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Track & navigate your journey through the Two Phases of Menopause

Whatever your healthcare choices may be, The Spinning Wheels app offers invaluable support to women navigating the two phases of menopause. Through personalized daily tracking, connected with proactive healthcare, menopause becomes a meaningful, empowering and transformative experience. By monitoring your body, mood and energy levels, keeping track of your physical changes, women can understand, adapt to the changes and enjoy the benefits of peri-menopause and post-menopause.

Assess the effectiveness of your healthcare

One of the Spinning Wheel’s core features is the ability to note and monitor the results of healthcare strategies and lifestyle changes. Through the calendar notes functionality, you can easily record any changes in your symptoms, well-being, or treatments, allowing you to track the progress of your healthcare journey. This way, you can have a comprehensive overview of your health management, making informed decisions and maximizing the effectiveness of your healthcare approach.

Predict the continuing cycles that influence your energy levels

Daily health tracking empowers you to improve your well-being and complement your healthcare during this transformative journey, supporting you when you settle into Post-Menopause. Through a conscious connection with the continuing cycles influencing your energy levels, insights into how the full moon affects your vitality can be discovered. Connecting to these natural rhythms, The Spinning Wheels app serves as a valuable companion for women navigating menopause.

I have used a few menstrual tracking apps before but spinning wheels is definitely the best I've used yet. I love all the added features which the basic tracking apps don't have.


There's no other app like this on the market for women. Connecting my own cycle to the rest of the cycles of the earth and moon with a daily reading to see where I'm at. As well as protected data! That is epic! We all need it. Thank you.


This app is incredible: finally a tool to comprise reference between my cycle, the moon cycle and all other cycles in nature. What is generated is a map of my life in the "now", a clear compass to gain illumination and insights from my menstrual experience! Thank you!!!


This app helps me keep track of my menstrual cycle and connects me to the moon and seasons at the same time. Now I only have to check one app, and it means I can tune in to my cycle's superpowers and stay in sync with everything else too.
